Garga Bhagavatham : Maadhurya khanda - Chapter 18

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Description of the procedure for the Japa and worship of Yamuna

Maandhata said:- Best among Sages! Please explain the procedure for reciting the holy verses of Sri Yamuna, which fulfills all wishes, since you are the storehouse of knowledge.


Sowbhari said:- Intelligent One! Now I will explain the procedure of reciting. By practicing, listening, or chanting this, humans will not have rebirth. Firstly the Pranav(Om) should be pronounced then Mahabeej(Hreem) should be pronounced. After that keep Laxmibeej(Shreem) the Kamabeej(Kleem) should be used in the same order. 


Thereafter put the end of the fourth form of the word Kaalindi(Kalidhyai). Then end of the fourth form of the word Devi(Devyai) must be used and in the end, add the word Namaha. In this way, the hymn OM HREEM SHREEM KLEEM KAALINDHYAI DEVYAI NAMAHA will be formed. This hymn should be duly recited by humans. Chanting this eleven lettered mantra eleven lakh times will bestow siddhi in this world. It will become easier for humans to attain whatever wish each one has.


     On a beautiful throne, place a sixteen petalled lotus and keep Kaalindi along with Sri Krishna on it. In the sixteen petals of the lotus methodically take the names that are the means of being the best human being, in the following order, Ganga, Viraja, Krishnaa, Chandrabhaaga, Saraswati, Gomathi, Koushiki, Veni, Sindhu, Godavari, Vedasmriti, Vetravati, Shathadru, Sarayu, Rishikulya, Kakudmini and perform the worship. Worship in the four directions starting from the east reciting the names of Vrindavan, Govardhan, Vrinda, and Tulsi in the same order. Then offer sixteen types of offerings reciting the mantra Om namo bhagavatyai kalinda-nandinyai sUrya-kanyAyai yama-bhaginyai shrii krishNa priyAyai yUtIbhUtAyai swaha.


     Worship Yamuna in this manner. Now I will tell you the method. Until the period of vow is completed one has to observe 'Brahmacharya' and by observing silence the brahmin, should recite the mantra. During the period of vow, one should eat food prepared using millet floor and sleep on the floor, eat out of a leaf and keep his senses under control. King! The performer of the vow needs to give up lust, anger, likes, attractions, and enmity and concentrate on the worship with utmost devotion. Waking up very early and meditating upon Goddess Kaalindi and at the time of sunrise, bathe in the river. In the afternoon and both sandhya's (sunrise and sunset), Sandhyavandana should be performed. King! when the vow is completed, go to the banks of Yamuna and worship ten lakh saintly Brahmanas and offer them good food. Then give them clothes, jewelry, shining golden vessels and give large donations. By this salvation can certainly be attained.


            Great-minded one! King of kings! In this way, I have told you about the worship of Sri Yamuna and the procedures to be followed. Now tell me what else you want to hear?


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